The current round of non-monetary negotiations between the company, IAMAW LL32 negotiating committee, District Lodge 140 General Chairperson Richard Vezina and Canadian Office Rep Tony Didoshak has been completed. We will be holding information sessions in Moose Jaw and Cold Lake the week of July 22-26, with specific times, dates and venues to follow. We […]
Non-Monetary Negotiations
Your negotiating team will meet with the company on July 10th and 11th, 2019 to negotiate the non-monetary issues brought forward. Any questions or comments can be directed to your negotiations committee: BRAD RUTLEDGE MIKE SEMAN JEAN-MARC PLOURDE GARY TAYLOR
IAMAW District Lodge 140 Annual Convention
The IAMAW District Lodge 140 Annual Convention will be held in Victoria, B.C. on Oct 28th & 29th, 2019 at the Hotel Grand Pacific. As per DL140 bylaws, the delegates elected and voted on to represent our local will be Ron Kleim and Matt Horwath, with Eden McNabb as an alternate.
LL 32 Bylaw Amendments
Every year in January a bylaw committee is elected to review the local lodge bylaws and propose amendments as necessary. This year’s committee members are Greg Rogers and Brad Rutledge. If you have any amendments to propose, please contact your bylaw committee prior to the September meeting, when all bylaw amendments will be read for the […]
Non-Monetary Negotations
Non-monetary negotiation items from our CBA will commence soon, please e-mail your negotiation committee if you have any items to bring forward. NEGOTIATION COMMITTEE Mike Seman J.M Plourde Gary Taylor Brad Rutledge