Local Lodge 32 is part of the IAMAW District 140. We serve the men and women of the NFTC Program and our lodge covers two geographical work footprints. There is an operational base located at 4 Wing – Cold Lake, Alberta and an operational base located at 15 Wing Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.
We serve and represent 131 brothers and sisters who cover a wide range of Aircraft Servicing, Aircraft Fleet Technical Support, Aircraft Maintenance and Supply/Logistics. The membership maintains and repairs the Harvard II Prop Trainer and the Hawk Mk 115 Jet Trainer in support of the NFTC flight training program.
As a local we are part of a larger network of the IAMAW and fall under the oversight of District 140. Our Lodge is governed by the Constitution of the IAMAW at the National Level, the regulations of the District and our own Local Lodge Bylaws. Our Lodge has an Executive with membership and participation from both the Cold Lake and Moose Jaw work sites serving in it. We have a Shop Committee with members from Cold Lake and Moose Jaw as members with the Shop Chairperson located in Moose Jaw and the Chief Shop Steward located in Cold Lake.